Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Standing Rock

Students read an article about the Dakota Access Pipeline on  They discovered that the pipeline would transport oil from North Dakota to Illinois.  The Standing Rock Sioux object to the pipeline because they fear that a spill would contaminate their water supply and the pipeline traverses a burial ground.  

The students began to ask questions about the protest at Standing Rock.  We invited Linda Roy to visit our classroom to talk about her experience visiting Standing Rock.  Being a talented photographer, Linda was able to share her story through amazing photos like the ones included below.

Photo by Linda Roy

Photo by Linda Roy

Photo by Linda Roy

Photo by Linda Roy

Friday, 23 September 2016


What students see in life is very different than an adult's perspective.  To help students share their creativity through photograpy I invited Linda Roy, the owner and talented operator of Ireva Photography based in Wikwemkoong, to provide students with a workshop featuring the use of the iPad as a digital camera.  

Linda Roy, Owner and Operator of Ireva Photography

 Linda Roy shared her knowledge of compostion.  Students were given tips regarding the rule of thirds, balancing elements, leading lines, symmetry and patterns, viewpoint, background, depth, framing, and getting close up.  Her most important tip was to experiment with their composition.  Students had an opportunity for hands-on practice with guidance from Linda.  

Students share their favourite photos.

Fall Harvest

Fall is the season when the Anishinabek traditionally prepared for the long winter ahead.  A wide variety of techniques have been used and shared from one generation to the next.  The 7th Annual Fall Harvest hosted by Kenjgewin Teg provided an excellent opportunity for students to begin to develop an understanding of Anishnabek culture and traditions.  

At the Fall Harvest students learned about:

  • harvesting wild game
  • trapping bits and tips
  • preserving fruits and vegetables
  • fish harvesting
  • jams and jellies
  • male and female drumming
  • apple harvesting
  • traditional teachings with Elders and/or community members

Most students agreed that the best part of the day was the traditional food samples!